Fuel Our Cause

Your money goes a loooooong way.

Make their dreams come true

We keep our Amazon Wishlist updated so you always know what’s needed and can fill those needs with a click. An easy way to give that makes their dreams come true!


$25 can cover the fees charged if me or my friends get sent to the Animal Foundation


$50 will cover one night at Motel 6 so I can recover from surgery


Help control the pet population! $115 will cover the cost of a spay or neuter for canines ($75 for pit bulls)


$190 will cover the average veterinary care cost for a homeless pet

Give your time.  Save a life.

I have been a volunteer with Streetdogz since January 2017. I love what they stand for and do. I have always donated to the homeless, but I have a special place in my heart for animals. I love Streetdogz because they are not entitled, and they do it all on their own. They are the face of what a true humanitarian and loving person is supposed to be. They help the ones that got left behind, or thrown out. Those are the ones that need help the most. Cheryl’s mission has been steadfast and true from the beginning. It has never changed and neither has she. I am truly greatful to be apart of this organization! It has changed my life for the better 🙂

Lexi, Volunteer

I had volunteered a lot during high school and college but after moving to Vegas, I didn’t really know where to volunteer. Then, after many years and the loss of my 16 year old terrier mix, I found just the right organization. He really was my life and after he passed, I was lost. Then, while out doing errands I saw a homeless man and his adorable pit. After talking with him and providing some basic things, I came home and started thinking.. . There has to be a group that helps homeless and pets. This is where my adventures with Street Dogz began. After meeting the founder and seeing the impact she was having on our community, I knew this was the right volunteer organization to join. I have truly enjoyed my experiences and feel that we are helping keep pets out of already overcrowded shelters. I look forward to many more years helping the animal of Las Vegas.

Kris Ann, Volunteer

I started volunteering with Street Dogz in January of this year. I try to average 15-20 hrs a week, which includes drive time. Between my car and my husbands, I’ve put over 10,000 miles on our cars. I didn’t know what my life was missing until Street Dogz. Between work, school, and Street Dogz I don’t have much downtime. Spent 4 1/2 hours in waiting rooms today and felt like a failure for not doing anything Street Dogz today, but I’ll make up for it tomorrow!! Wednesday is Thanksgiving at my house, we are having Tony from Desert Sands Rv with us to celebrate. I just wanted everyone on our team to know how grateful I am for being part of this amazing team. For letting me do what I can to help and not criticizing me when I can’t do much. Grateful for a husband that when I say Street Dogz needs your help too he says ok. It took ten fosters and my first Street Dogz foster for my husband and me to fail at that… so thanks for adding Pepper to my life! Street Dogz is and will forever hold a special place in my life! Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you!!

Wendy, Volunteer

I started volunteering for Street Dogz in 2018 after I saw a story on the local news that really touched my heart. There is something about a person who keeps their dogs with them NO MATTER WHAT that I really respect and admire. I got my first dog when I was 17. She was by my side until I was 34. Together we took on life! We graduated high school, got married, had 2 babies, moved 8 times, had many different jobs, and dealt with all the curveballs life throws at you. There were many times where finding a new home for her would have been easier but it was never an option.  A pet is for life! When I see homeless people living on the streets with their petz I see myself. So once I heard of Street Dogz on the news I started researching. I was moved by the work they do, the petz they help, and the lives they change and knew I had to be involved.

Nicole, Volunteer

I am a volunteer with Street Catz LV because helping people and their pets is the most rewarding feeling ever.  Making a difference with this organization has been life-changing. 
Jacquie, Volunteer

I do it for the wagging tails! Love our Street Dogz and Street Catz!
Lauren, Volunteer

No one gets through life without needing some kind of help. I do what I can, because I know what it’s like to be in need.
Darlene, Volunteer

Donate your stuff.  We like stuff.

For Dogs & Cats:

Dry food

Wet food with flip top

Dog sweaters/coats all sizes, especially XXL

Dog beds/pillows/blankets

XL Harnesses/Collars/Leashes

Treats/Bones/Toys for all sizes


Gallon size baggies

Dog shoes


Spray bottles

Cooling scarves

Kiddie pools

Litter boxes


For Their Humans:




Men’s shoes and flip flops





Granola bars

Canned meat

Reusable bags

Rolling suitcases

Donate your stuff.  We like stuff.

For Dogs & Cats:

Dry food

Wet food with flip top

Dog sweaters/coats all sizes, especially XXL

Dog beds/pillows/blankets

XL Harnesses/Collars/Leashes

Treats/Bones/Toys for all sizes


Gallon size baggies

Dog shoes

For Their Humans:









Granola bars

Canned meat

Reusable bags

Rolling suitcases

Every Biscuit Counts

From shoes to protect their feet to food for their hungry bellies, Street Dogz will get your stuff to where it's needed.  Click to check out our list of things we currently need and how to get it to us.

Every Hour Needed

Deliveries and events, education and fostering, we are always looking for those that share our passion to take care of our furry friends whose humans are also in need.  Click below for more info.

Every Dollar Matters

As a volunteer-driven organization, you can rest assured that your money is going exactly where we say it is, to serve as many pets as possible throughout the valley. Click below for more info.

Every Biscuit Counts

From shoes to protect their feet to food for their hungry bellies, Street Dogz will get your stuff to where it's needed.  Click to check out our list of things we currently need and how to get it to us.

Every Hour Needed

Deliveries and events, education and fostering, we are always looking for those that share our passion to take care of our furry friends whose humans are also in need.  Click below for more info.

Every Dollar Matters

As a volunteer-driven organization, you can rest assured that your money is going exactly where we say it is, to serve as many pets as possible throughout the valley. Click below for more info.